Saturday, March 28, 2009
I love this story. Plenty of blood and gore, people! T RATING. Not for the faint hearted. Don't eat dinner before this.
Bloody Omaha
The mission was simple, they said. Scale the cliffs, destroy the guns, and signal the navy that the guns were destroyed. It was exactly like they had done in all their practices. It was easy.
Too easy.
It was only as easy as the thing sounded, thought the Sergeant. How easy could destroying a casemate of giant guns be?
His friend, Corporal Charlie Richardson, the known joker of the regiment, had raised a very good question. “Suppose we get on the beach without getting blown up,” he’d asked, “Climb the impossible cliff, destroyed the indestructible guns –” at this point he was interrupted by the Sergeant, who’d added, “Provided we get pass the crack German troops.”
Charlie nodded. “That too. Anyway, once we’ve done all that, then used the unreliable radios to contact the uncontactable navy, what do we do next, sit there and wait for the reinforcements that will never come?”
The briefing officer had frowned. “Well, I guess you just wait for further orders to move out,” he had said after a moment’s hesitation.
“That’s a brilliant idea,” drawled Charlie sarcastically in his southern twang. “Y’know what? I’d rather be shot by the Germans.”
A nearby blast shook the Sergeant from his reverie. He was in the landing craft assigned to him, part of the 5000 odd ship strong invasion armada. The Sergeant checked and rechecked his M1 nervously, thoughts whirling around in his already cluttered mind. But one thought stood out above the rest.
Today’s the day that all of us have been waiting for for months. Today’s the day that probably would be talked about for generations to come. Today is the day that we will sacrifice our lives for, to gain a foothold, to liberate the people of Europe.
Today is D-Day.
The ramp of the LCT slammed down with a bang. “Everybody out!” yelled the officer, but was hit in the chest in mid sentence and pitched over, dead. The Sergeant grimaced at the sight of his officer, the man he had known and liked, dead on the ramp, but pushed the sight to the back of his mind and made to charge out of the LCT before it blew. Sitting there, waiting while the men unloaded, it was a perfect target for the German artillery. Men were rushing towards the exit, jamming it, so the Sergeant grit his teeth, yelled his signature battle cry, “To hell with it!” and jumped over the side of the boat.
He was immediately engulfed in a wave of icy water. He struggled to push to the surface but his equipment was just too heavy, weighing him down. Just when he was about to give up, his feet touched the seabed and he propelled himself upwards with all his strength, gasping for oxygen to clear his dizzy head.
The moment the scene met his eyes he wish he had stayed underwater. Bodies floated on the water, turning the water red with their blood. The Sergeant didn’t really want to think about how many had sunk beneath the waves. On the beach the men were being massacred – machine guns cut them apart just as they stepped onto the beach and if that didn’t kill them then the intense shelling did. The beach was an absolute nightmare. It was as if they had landed in hell. The Sergeant grimaced as a couple of arms went flying by as he raced upwards to the beach. A head rolled down and came to a stop at his feet, grinning weirdly at him, the eyes opened and glazed over. Not many men made it to the shingle unscathed. Heck, not many people made it there alive.
“C’mon, trooper, move it!” a raw yell sounded from above him. With difficulty the Sergeant tore his eyes off the gruesome, bloody head and looked up. A Captain – was his name Raaen? – was standing there, pulling the Sergeant by his collar, getting him up onto the beach. At the same time he brandished his M1 [which had presumably run out of ammunition] at the Germans, yelling, “We’ll show you, you goddamn Krauts!”
With difficulty the Sergeant pulled himself up and scrambled madly for a nearby tank trap, which was currently the best thing in the world. The beach was a nightmare. Machine guns roared, shells exploded and mines burst. In fact, every step taken seemed to trigger a mine. The beach was hopelessly booby trapped.
And they said that this would be easy, thought the Sergeant dryly as his mind wandered to the inevitable subject of Charlie’s fate. Was he safe? Did he get on to the beach? Had he already gotten to the guns?
As he thought, he looked around dazedly for Pointe-Du-Hoc, the “impossible cliff” that Charlie had referred to. It was hard to search for it, no matter how big it might be, when there were so many gory distractions. He finally spotted it, though, a foreboding, intimidating, formidable wall looming in the distance. A single thought entered his mind as he stared at it.
We’re supposed to climb THAT?!
Just the thought of scaling that monstrosity made his hands break out into cold sweat. Still, he had to reach the cliff, hadn’t he? He had to scale that stupid…thing and destroy the guns. The pack of TNT in his pocket sat there like a rock waiting to be hurled at someone. The Sergeant picked up his pace as he darted and weaved through the battlefield, ignoring shouts of “Are you crazy?!” and “Where the heck d’you think you’re goin’?” from various men. He was one of the only Rangers with TNT and he had to get it to the men. He couldn’t let them down now.
A shell narrowly missed him as he ran, choosing instead to blast a soldier standing next to him to bits. He grimaced as bits of human showered him, continuing to thread his way through the dead bodies that littered the beach. Machine gun fire ripped past, a bullet striking the Sergeant in his ankle. But he limped on, although in obvious pain, struggling to reach the foot of the immense cliff. Tirelessly he pumped his legs and raced towards the huge bulk that drew closer and closer.
The few dozen men huddled at the cliff watched in amazement as the lone figure came half running, half limping towards them like the Greek messenger who ran from Marathon to Athens. Oblivious to the wound that was obviously paining him, he struggled on, coming closer towards them. As he drew closer they could see that he seemed exhausted from his daredevil sprint. Two men, presumably trying to act like heroes, darted out and caught him just as he stumbled. As he was brought back to safety [what little safety there was, anyway] he coughed and looked around.
“What’re you standing around for?” he said incredulously. “You ain’t gonna take the guns just stayin’ ‘ere, y’know?”
The medic had the Sergeant patched up in no time. “Where’s the damn equipment?” asked the Sergeant – bellowed, rather, seeing as a normal voice wouldn’t be able to be heard over the noise of the battle.
“Somewhere,” a Lieutenant yelled back right before a machine gun caught him in the chest and blood splattered everywhere. The Sergeant cursed. How were they to climb the cliff if their equipment was “somewhere”?
A haggard figure with his helmet balanced precariously on his head [the strap had been shot off] approached the cliff. With a start, the Sergeant realized it was Charlie.
“Charlie!” he yelled excitedly. “Boy, am I glad to see ya!” Charlie lifted his head and waved an acknowledgement. On closer examination, the Sergeant saw that he was carrying a few…grappling hooks?
“I’m even gladder to see these things!” he quipped before relieving Charlie of his burden and handing them out to various rangers, who immediately hurled them up. “C’mon, Charlie!” he yelled as he made his way along his own rope. All around him men were falling to their deaths, screaming as they did so, as the Germans removed the hooks from the top. It wasn’t the falling men that got to you…it was the screams. Ear piercing, heart wrenching screams that you wished you had never heard. Screams of dying men.
The Sergeant gritted his teeth and climbed on, hoping with all his might that the Germans didn’t pick his to throw back down. The MG42s had opened fire now, the bullets tearing into the bodies of the Rangers. Not that they didn’t have enough on their hands already, what with the Krauts throwing them to their deaths. The Sergeant spotted a man climbing a ladder – how had the ladder gotten onto the beach?! – and swaying dangerously. Was he mad?!
The Sergeant looked up again. He had been lucky to escape notice so far. “Almost there…” he said to himself, pulling himself up. “Just a bit more…”
He had spoken too soon. A leering German face appeared above him and his heart sank. Tauntingly the German picked up his hook and brandished it at him. “NO YOU DON’T!” roared the Sergeant in a desperate attempt to scare him away. Unfortunately, it didn’t do anything to help. The German held it far off the cliff and let go. Suddenly the Sergeant was clutching a rope leading to nowhere, trying desperately to latch on to the rocky outcrop, but to no avail. He was falling…
“Gotcha, son!” a rough hand closed around his collar and he struggled to breathe. He grabbed onto his savior’s arm and hoisted himself up onto the man’s rope. Looking up, he found himself staring into the deep blue eyes of the Captain who had saved his ass on the beach.
“Throw your hook, soldier,” he encouraged. Looking back down, the Sergeant saw he still held his grappling hook in his free hand. He hurled it and it caught fast. Nodding encouragingly, the Captain let go of his arm and continued climbing his own rope.
This time, there couldn’t be any screw ups. This time the Captain wouldn’t be there to save him. The Sergeant bit his lip and inched forward slowly. His hands were already red from rope burn. Besides him he heard a man yell, “This is another of those goddamn SNAFU operations, innit?!” and he smiled. The man didn’t know how right he was.
He was almost at the top now. A hand appeared at the top of the cliff and he grabbed it, not really caring if it was American or German. A horrible, grinning face presented itself as the owner of the hand. The Kraut who let me go, realized the Sergeant. He would have drawn his pistol but the Kraut was already pointing one at him. The finger squeezed the trigger and the Sergeant shut his eyes.
The Sergeant opened his eyes, hardly daring to believe it. The pistol was jammed! While the German furiously worked at it, the Sergeant tackled him. The men went flying onto the ground, viciously dealing punches and kicks. Finally, though, the German got his pistol working again. He pushed the Sergeant off triumphantly and held the pistol out. The Sergeant’s heart sank as he watched.
The Sergeant looked around dazedly. He was still alive? That was impossible. He looked up. The German was dead, lying at his feet, his last, leering smile still etched on his face. The Captain stood behind, pistol in hand, gun smoking. “You alright son?” he asked, pulling the tired Sergeant up as his pistol blazed away at the Germans.
“Yeah,” the younger man said feverishly. “Thanks a lot, sir.”
“Don’t mention it,” replied the Captain, and suddenly he was gone, lost in the crowd of battling soldiers.
The Sergeant drew his Colt and started shooting any German he could see. The bunker was already in sight, but it looked like the crack troops were overwhelming. They would take an eternity to get there. All around him corpses lay on the ground in grotesque poses, most with their limbs and heads missing, others with their intestines spilling out. The Sergeant watched in morbid fascination as the trooper in front of him was blown to bits and a piece of his guts splattered onto the Sergeant’s face.
He could see the Captain again, right beside him. The Krauts were retreating now, drawing back into the bunkers. With a sudden sense of happiness the Sergeant stepped forward, only to step on something squishy. When he lifted his boot, he saw some mashed up, purplish-yellowish squiggly looking thing.
“Brains,” said the Captain matter-of-factly before moving on.
There were more disgusting episodes to come. The Sergeant searched his pockets for TNT but couldn’t find it. Spotting a likely looking trooper with a roll of wire on his back, the Sergeant hurried over. “Boy, you got TNT?” he asked shortly. The soldier looked at him and nodded. “Good. Grab it and come with me,” ordered the Sergeant. The boy looked at him before brandishing what he was carrying in his right hand. The Sergeant felt a sickening lurch – the boy was carrying his own left arm. Looking at him innocently, the young trooper asked, “But sir, what do I do with this?”
It was 10 00. They were to have taken the bunkers ages ago. The Sergeant and the Captain, armed with two packs of Satchel charges and TNT each, crept towards the bunker. The fighting still raged on behind them. The Sergeant kicked open the door and they got ready to throw the explosives. But what they saw stunned them.
They had fought so hard, sacrificed limbs and lives, pushed on valiantly, all for…
Nothing. The casemate was empty. And the Sergeant, looking around at the blank space, could only think of one thing to say.
12:54 AM
This is a weird story because I'm not sure what happened to my brain when I was writing it. It seems like my brain instructed me to leave out all the "I"s or "You"s and just...go with it. So don't blame me if you think this sucks. Blame the brain.
Going, going…
Clear day. Blue skies. Great time for a drop. Smile. Grin. Talk to friends.
Jump master stands. Goes through the routine. Stand. Stop smiling. Stand. Don’t push.
Hook up. Hook to the static line. Stand. Hook up. Equipment check. Check equipment. Check –
Sound off for equipment check. 19 OK! 18 OK! 17 OK! 16 OK!
Stare at the red light. Red. Not green. Red. Don’t go. Wait for green. Wait for green. Wait for –
Green. It’s green. Go, go, go! Push. Shove. Out of the door.
Freedom. Flying like a bird. One, two, three. Jerk. Parachute opens. White blossoming flower. Wheee. Take a look around. Thousands of white blossoms in the air. Swing back and forth. Laugh. Free. Free as an Eagle.
Land. Hard. Good landing. Take the chute off. Roll it up. Take off Mae Wests. Don’t know why life vests are needed. Drop zone’s safely inland. Ah well. Time to assemble.
Find the Sergeant. Sergeant’s not there. Lieutenant, then. Lieutenant’s not there either.
Weird. Walk to a copse of trees. Lots of birds there, flying around. Stop abruptly.
A glider is in there. Dark. Broken. Reeking of death. Walk into the glider. Dead men inside. No Sergeant. No Lieutenant. Walk out.
Don’t notice the briefcase left behind.
Walk to the DZ. Company’s already set off. That explains it. Chuckle. Hurry up, slowpoke. Rush off to catch up. Blow, bugle, blow. Frost blows the bugle. On to Arnhem, boys! War’ll be over soon!
Shake head. War’s not to be over. War’s never over before Christmas.
Cheering civilians. Orange flags. Wine. Bread. Song and laughter. Good food. Chocolate. Cigarettes. Fantastically beautiful. Dutch are grateful. Dutch are the best. But then.
Boos. Jeers. Women. Hair cuts. Shaved heads. Mud swastikas. Crying. Pleading.
Seek out a civilian. Women are collaborators, he says. This is the punishment, he says.
Vindictive. Angry. Cold. Satisfied.
Move on. Germans all over. Duck. Run. Scramble to the side. Raise the rifle. Fire.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
Krauts dying. Brits dying. Friends dying. Everyone dying. Get up. Run like hell. Boots pounding. Pain.
Huddling in the house. Clear out, Dutch. It’s the Brit’s stronghold now! Dutch don’t want to go. Fine. Shrug. Too bad if they die.
Set up positions. Pick up rifle. Check. Clean. Load. Look at bridge. Jerry’s coming! Jerry is coming. Aim rifle. Wait for orders. Don’t fire until told. Hold fire. Hold. Don’t press. Don’t fire.
Krauts are coming closer. Nearer. Anxiety. Fear. Nervousness. Tension. Hold fire. Don’t press. Hold.
Open fire! Sweat. Raise rifle. Squeeze off the rounds. One. Two. Three. Man down. Adrenaline. Exhilaration. Man down! Shots ping off. Coming closer. Jump. Turn. Blood.
Medic! Medic! Screams. Cries. Blood. Gore. Don’t stop. Reload. Continue. Fire.
Sudden silence. Everyone stops. Look around. On the bridge. Burning wrecks. Smouldering. Krauts are dead. Friends are dead. Tension gone. Adrenaline gone. Drop rifle. Exhausted. Listen to the screams. Listen to the dying. Can’t listen to the dead.
Night time. Right time. Time to go out. Carry flamethrower. Whisper to friend. Going out. Pitter patter. Boots on rubble. Loud. Look around. No Jerry yet.
Onto the bridge. Trembling. Bet on the bunker. Friend finds it first. Two quid gone.
Flamethrower. Raw power. Hungry flames. Deadly flames. Flamethrower. Hold steady. Don’t move. Ready. Set.
Blaze. Missed. Curse. But.
Explosions! Ammo dump right behind. Friend celebrates. Whoop. Cheer. Jerry bunker enveloped by the exploding dump.
Run back. Boots make a lot of noise. Crunching rubble. Crushing debris. Don’t care. Don’t give a damn. Explosion loud. Can’t hear anyway.
Back to the house. Chaps are happy. Yay. Drink into the night.
Prepare for the next attack, next morning. Stop partying. Silent. Resigned. Sad. Quiet.
Back. With a vengeance. Tanks. One drives past. RPG. PIAT. Whatever. Bring it out. Don’t complain, damnit. Just bring it.
Load a round. Panzers. Damn top brass. Never had accurate information anyway.
Fire once. Miss. Heart rate going up. Tank turns. Doesn’t fire. Keeps on going. Bloody hell.
Fire again. Tank halts. Just in time. Round misses. Tank continues. Sweating. Cursing.
Surrounded. Just like that.
Time to charge again. Under the bridge. From house to house. Dodge. Weave. Small arms fire. Not dangerous. Not immediately fatal. Not like 88s.
Friend goes first. Friend runs. Friend almost makes it. Almost.
Shell lands. Friend dies. No time for grief. Turn’s arrived.
Pressure rising. Breathing hard. Grip rifle hard. Knuckles turn white. Standing out.
Whistle. Shell. No. run faster. No hope. Shell lands. Almost made it. Almost.
12:52 AM
Somehow or other I always seem to start out with this one.
Unsung Heroes
His face was grim as he entered the hotel. What was left of it, anyway. After countless days of shelling the hotel had been reduced to half a pile of smoldering rubble. The only relatively safe place was the cellar, and to the wounded men inside even the cellar couldn’t keep the Germans out.
A part of the cellar had been set up as a planning room. This was where he headed for, striding that familiar long stride of his. The wounded men who could still talk lifted their heads as he passed by to stare at their beloved commander. “Mornin’, Major,” some of them said, in an attempt to lighten his apparent black mood. Strangely, the man known as “major” never said anything; not a word of encouragement, not even a motivational nod…most unusual of him.
The door to the planning room burst open and he walked in, scowling. A few men looked up fearfully, in case the Germans had come, but seeing it was just him they relaxed visibly. One even offered a cigarette, saying, “Here, Major, it’s the last one I’ve got.”
The Major gave a noncommittal grunt and ignored the comment, choosing instead to stride to the planning map and slam his fist on the table, making not only the little miniature representations of the armies jump, but a few real men as well. What was going on? They wondered. It wasn’t like the Major at all to be so uncharacteristically quiet and unhappy. It was a far cry from his usual cheerful, encouraging, motivating self. What had gotten to him so much that he was so upset?
The answer came soon enough. “We’re bailing out. Tonight,” he said slowly.
A stunned moment of silence. Then the cries of protest came, as he knew it would.
“No way! What have all those men died for, then?”
“We’ve held on this bloody long, we can’t just evacuate!”
“This is a bloomin’ outrage!”
He held up a hand and the room fell silent almost immediately. He leant forward, his voice lowering to give him a more sinister, menacing effect. The room had gone deathly quiet, the men listening intently.
“That’s not all.” He paused, hesitating. “They want us to cover the retreat.”
The room erupted again, not a single man pleased with the decision.
“That’s bloody unfair, they can’t just leave us like that!”
“What about us, then? Eh? What about us?”
“That’s a bloody suicide mission, that is!”
The Major listened to their ranting, not saying a word himself. He had already said what he had wanted to say at HQ. He had yelled at them until his voice was hoarse. They had been pretty surprised at the sudden loss of his usual, calm composure. Needless to say they hadn’t been very impressed by his string of profanities.
The room had settled down again, with every man staring at him intently. He stared stonily back. Nobody seemed to be able to say a word.
Finally one of his aides, Lieutenant Spencer Marloughsby-Whittington, broke the silence. “Who’ll be going, sir?” he asked quietly. As his aide, the Major was sure that Spencer knew full well who he was going to pick. Clever boy, that Spencer. Always one step ahead of everyone else.
He shrugged. He glanced at the deathly pale faces of the men, men he’d served with for so long, trained with, fought with…and now to die with. The familiar faces stared back at him dolefully. It was a difficult choice, choosing the men whom e was going to die with, as if he was Death itself. Still, the job had to be done, and to sacrifice a few to save many was much better than sacrificing many to save a few.
“Oh, y’know…Spencer, Harry, Ryan, Lewis…” The condemned men’s faces fell as each name was uttered. Deathly pale faces sighed with relief, while others prepared themselves both physically and mentally for the inevitable outcome.
All in all the Major named about 20 odd men, veterans all of them. They had been through so much together, the trainings, the skirmishes, the battles…and now it was all going to waste. But they had to do this; the rookies would have been overwhelmed quickly.
The relieved troopers filed out, leaving the ‘chosen ones’ behind. The Major sighed heavily. He didn’t want any of the familiar faces to die. “You can leave, any of you, if you don’t want to do this,” he said quietly. Something flickered on the men’s faces. What was it, fear? Relief? Then, just as quickly, it was gone. None of the men had left, as he knew they wouldn’t. They were all in this together till the very end.
Grinning – a morose, mirthless smile – he outlined the plan while they listened in complete silence.
“We’ve got to scatter, spread out. Ours won’t be the only unit being ab-“he bit his lip – abandoned just seemed too harsh. “roped in to help the retreat, so we’ll spread out in our own allocated area. We’ve got to make the Germans believe we’re still here. Got it?”
Everyone paused. The plan seemed plausible enough. There were just two things that worried them, the overwhelming German force and their position; too close to the Jerries and too far from the river to ever get there in time. It seemed like none would make it home.
Spencer answered for everyone. “Let’s do this,” he said.
The night was anything but peaceful and tranquil. The moon shone brightly overhead, thankfully not penetrating the unsettling darkness in which boats were readied for the evacuation of Arnhem. The tranquility of the forests – what tranquility was left, anyway – was disrupted by a few, scattered Bren guns, firing defiantly into the Germans. Everything seemed like it had been for the past few days.
At the river, however, it was an entirely different matter. Numerous boats stood waiting for the troops, to bring them to safety to the other side of the river. The orders for the beleaguered, escaping troops were simple – keep on going. Don’t stop for anyone.
The Major watched with grim approval as the men tried to take as many of the walking wounded as they could. They couldn’t risk too many men falling into German hands. As the men filed by they murmured encouragements to those who were to stay behind, knowing full well that they might never see each other again.
“See you around, mate.”
“Good luck, Major…you’ll need it.”
“We’ll see you again on the other side of the river.”
All lies, of course. They were as good as dead now. Still, a little bit of blatant, encouraging lying never hurt anyone.
Silently the men cleared out, leaving the Major and his twenty veterans. The night air was cool and crisp, and all was silent in their corner. The Major checked his watch. It was exactly 2100. The evacuation was underway. The Major smiled grimly, the smile never quite reaching his eyes. Now all they had to do was keep the Germans – both figuratively and literally – in the dark.
The cue was given and numerous guns fired into the gloom, at Arnhem Bridge. The Germans fired blindly back. The bullets were far and wide, seeing as neither could see through the darkness, lit by a few scarce fires from earlier skirmishes.
Apparently the Germans knew something was amiss because they advanced, cautiously at first, but more boldly as they encountered little resistance. The Major’s men glanced around unsettlingly. They knew they were directly in line with Arnhem Bridge, with the Germans. And now it looked like the Germans were headed straight for them.
Someone started to sing softly. The Major didn’t know who, but nevertheless he was grateful. It lessened the tension; helped the men stare death straight in the face, helped them to be brave and not think about what fate they were going to meet. They were British, after all. Heck, scratch that, they were paratroopers, the elite red berets. They wouldn’t – couldn’t – go down without a good fight.
More soldiers took up the song now. The Major thought it sounded a bit like “We’ll Meet Again”. He began to hum along, singing the words that he knew.
“We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smilin' through
Just like you always do
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away…” As he did he took one last, long look at every one of them – from the Captains to the Privates. All seemed invaluable to the Major; he couldn’t bear to let them die. But they had chosen to stay, to fight with him, hadn’t they? He had given them a chance to back down but they hadn’t. And for that he was grateful.
Someone yelled, “They’re comin’,” and suddenly the night sky was alive, full of noise from the Bren guns to the grenades to the MG42s. The Major helped as best as he could, firing his pistol, running along the lines, encouraging the men to “keep going, we haven’t lost yet!” A bullet caught him in the arm but he kept going; he couldn’t give up now. The boys at the river, they needed all the time they could get. They needed another Dunkirk. And by George, the Major and his men were going to give it to them.
One by one his men fell as he looked on helplessly. Those who survived continued to put up a fierce line of defense, in hope of keeping the Germans at bay. ‘They couldn’t give up now’ was the general attitude of every man. Not while they’d come this far.
In the end the Major had no choice but to call a retreat. There were too many of them; just too many. They fell back slowly, putting up fierce resistance to allow the boys more time. They couldn’t patch up the wounded; they had no medic. Those who fell were left to the mercy of the Germans.
Soon there were just three men left; the Major, Spencer, and a Lieutenant Lewis Dixon. They had reached the river, with the Germans far behind – three men were much easier to hide then twenty. A glimmer of hope alighted in he Major’s eyes – maybe, just maybe, they would make it out after all. His eyes cast around for something, anything that would take them across the river.
“Goin’ my way, mate?” a friendly English voice cut through the silence. A cheerful looking coxswain sat on the edge of a raft, holding out a hand to the Major. The three hauled themselves into the boat – but not before Lieutenant Dixon got shot as he clambered in. They left him on the shore, the Major in particular feeling bad that there was nothing they could do. His guilty conscience, however, was expelled by the surge of hope he now felt. They were going to make it! He could almost make out the opposing shoreline. Just a few more meters…
He had lifted his hopes too high, too soon. A single burst from a faraway machine gun and suddenly they were floundering in the water, the boat – if it could be called a boat – drifting away, the coxswain gripping his arm tightly, trying not to cry out. It was against the Major’s better judgment, but he couldn’t leave the coxswain to die. Not when he had left so many others behind. He grabbed the coxswain and started to swim, but his arm, the one that had been injured, was stinging. He felt himself slowing down. They would never make it…
But suddenly they found themselves being propelled by an external force – Spencer, using all his strength to keep them afloat. The Major strained his eyes. Nearly there…just a bit more…c’mon Spence, you can do it…
With a final, superhuman effort, Spencer heaved the Major and the coxswain onto the opposite shore. Spencer himself never reached the bank, though. He was cut down just as he pushed the others up onto the wet sand.
The Major stood, staring sadly at Spencer’s body as it sank beneath the water, at the man he once knew and liked, at the man who had saved their lives. But in his heart he felt something else; a sense of accomplishment, a sense of thankfulness.
At least Spencer and the others hadn’t died for nothing, he thought. At least they’d done their part in helping the evacuation, though their names would never be remembered. At least they’d save many more lives. And, by God, at least they had gone out as they had gone in.